YOUTUBE is a site where you can watch videos other people posted or post your own videos for other people to see. With an account you can save a share your favorite YOUTUBE videos with friends who do the same. An example of a YOUTUBE video is The Giant Spider in the Kitchen video. Click on the title and watch. It's hilarious!
Since anyone who accesses the World Wide Web (www) can post and watch videos, YOUTUBE has gained world wide attention and brought people together across oceans, continents and cultures to see, hear and, perchance, to understand each other better. This last is quite an achievement. The Noble Prize organization is planning to award YOUTUBE the prestigious Peace Prize for its accomplishment. Small wonder when you watch a YOUTUBE video like this one: Watch it and feel all right.
I definitely subscribed YOUTUBE to my GOOGLE READER account. There is always something going on there. What a relief to be able to go to one place and just "click" to see what's new on YOUTUBE.
By the way, I learned for Annette Klause the way to embed a YouTube movie into my blog. I go to UTube, find the movie and look (on the right?) for the "embed" symbol. Click on that and copy the html code that appears (it's already highlighted). Then go to the "edit" version of the blog date you want the movie embedded in - to the exact spot - then click on "edit HTML" which should be above the blog edit square (over the quote symbol). Find the place in the html that pops up, insert the html taken from the UTube page and save. Hit publish post and the movie is embedded in the blog - as you can see above.
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