Friday, July 23, 2010


First Female Avatar
Originally uploaded by Goshua Lament
A while ago I set out to create a podcast. Podcasts are like short films or videos on a chosen topic that you can subscribe to and receive on a regular basis on your PC. I think it was intended for IPods initially and then someone found a way to get PC's to receive them. Well, every link that 23 Things offered to get acquainted with the medium failed - no longer available - "Error" messages.

After much frustration, I gave up and went to list of 43 Things at the bottom to find something to substitute for podcasts. I chose MY SPACE - how trendy is that - joined up and learned that there might be a way to create an avatar (cartoon version of yourself to represent you online) if I joined TWITTER. So, I did, and then couldn't get a connection for the Avatar maker to work. "Coming to FACE BOOK in August” is all it said.
So I went back and began setting up MY SPACE page and information, and since I'd joined TWITTER too, (trendy, trendy) I began to update my TWITTER PAGE, as well. While there I clicked on my favorite TV News shows to get Tweets from (I selected my "follows" like the Grace Maddow show, etc., etc.).

Before giving myself a much needed rest, it occurred to me that I might be able to find an online program that created avatars if I tried Google, so I did. I found avatar sites that allowed me to dress or role model in a fantasy world but not sites to help me create my avatar for other uses. Anyway, if you want to know what an avatar looks like, please see "First Female Avatar" above from Flickr.

My Space and Twitter are the new Internet craze where people share ideas and meet people. To protect their identity, somewhat, many people use an avatar picture (created to look like your self) in place of a real photo of themselves. I'll keep trying on the avatar thing.

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