I've spent all morning trying to add a Rollyo searchbox to my blog page. It never appeared. There is obviously something about the technology that I'm missing, but I don't know what. My page on Rollyo is at ROLLYO. I'll check tomorrow to see if the upload was delayed. Basically the concept is a good one. It's like creating a favorites list for every subject your interested in, then going to that subjects lists to search for something. The search is quicker when you have all you favorite sites right there. It would be great to do that from my web page, if I could get it to work.
Part of the problem may be that you have to register to have the system work. The first 30 days are free, but you have to post a credit card anyway (to keep people for continuing to use the service after 30 days). I really don't want to provide my credit card number or pay $30 a year for this site.
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